AGAVE BANNED Unsafe for Diabetics, Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistant and Pre-Diabetes

March 31st, 2017

I am so sad to report this, but report it I must The Glycemic Research Institute® announced that they have legally “De-Listed” and placed a ban on Agave for use in Foods, Beverages, Chocolate, and any other products, due to results of 5 years of Human In Vivo Clinical Trials on Agave. Manufacturers who produce […]

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Heart Healthy Blueberry Avocado Smoothie

September 18th, 2016

Ohh-la-la, youre gonna love this Heart Healthy Blueberry Avocado Smoothie Recipe! The healthy mono-unsaturated fats in avocados keep the heart in shape by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol by 24 percent and raising HDL (good) cholesterol by 47 percent. This can reduce blood pressure by up to 13 points. Ill bet youre already pretty excited about […]

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