EAT AT McDONALDS LOSE WEIGHT?The Shocking State of American Restaurants

May 28th, 2016

I never thought Id be writing a headline that says you could be better off eating at McDonalds rather than Baja Fresh! Pick your jaw up and read on , my friends!


Studies done by Mens Health (the people who bring you the fantastic Eat This, Not That books, have shown that you can make healthier choices off of the standard McDonalds menu (rated a B+) than you can at the healthy sounding Baja Fresh (Rated D-)! And dont even think about going to Applebees, IHOP, Outback or TGI Fridays!!  Theyre amongst those rated an F!

Having said that, Im of the opinion that you can eat MOST anywhere if youll just take care of yourself and ask for your food prepared in the way you deserve to have it prepared, not in the manner that the restaurant deems easiest to prepare or most cost effective from their perspective. Theyre not the ones who have to live in YOUR body!

OK, so getting back to the healthier McDonalds, keep in mind that McDonalds menu is still filled with lifestyle killers. You still need to be very careful about your choices.

I would only eat at McDonalds (or most fast food restaurants) in a pinch; however, if you find yourself there, you could easily enjoy a salad with low fat dressing. You could even ask for a veggie burger. Its not going to be a real veggie burger, so dont get all excited.  Most likely it will be a hamburger, minus the meat and cheese.  Of course, youll want to order it minus mayo, plus BBQ sauce and mustard.  Keep in mind the bun is made of white flour, so its not a great choice, but in a pinch, you could consider it. Another good choice would the yogurt and fruit parfait at only 2 ½ grams of fat.

To read more about Americas Unhealthiest Restaurants, visit Mens Health Magazine. It pays to have your eyes wide open!

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