
May 19th, 3000

Two sisters and some friends losing weight. A lot of weight!

If youve got some weight to lose any amount feel free to join us on our journey. We get together in the comment section, so connect with us there. Well be your weight loss buddies even your friends if you like.

Losing weight is never easy, but it will be easier with a bunch of friends along for the journey all that accountability stuff. Speaking of accountability, we wont be perfect in our progress because life isnt perfect but well be honest and WE WONT QUIT!

winning the weight loss battleKeep up with
Leslis Goals Progress
as I lose 150 STUBBORN pounds. Oh, I know, they say the last ten pounds are the hardest. I disagree its the first 150 pounds that are the hardest but Im in it to win it!

Keep up with my little sissy, Karens Goals Progress, as she loses over 100 Pounds and turns her health around from a veritable nightmare to glistening, glowing, health!

Thanks for stopping by, we hope we become good online friends and maybe even offline if youre in the PDX area!

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